Monday, October 25, 2010

Consumerism Critical

So, this post about a project done in the the SDLC class (Student Digital Learning Center...): we needed to do a critical about consumerism with the program Scratch. My work was done with my friend Maria Luiza, it was really good, like, really good with sounds, songs and stuff. So good that it was big, 63 mega, which is basically 6 times the maximum, and because of that, I can't upload it in the scratch website...
But then I did it and embedded it to my blog! I'm awesome! Well... now it is shorter, soundless and the blogger cutted out a piece of the screen, but.. it's here (at the end of the post)!

Also, look what me an Malu (my partner) wrote on the website (super school like): "It was made for a important date in our school: Stance Dual Cultural Fair. This is when we, students, have a chance to show our projects to our parents. This animation was made to make people fall into contiounes and stop consuming the much they do. The thing we most liked about Scratch is the possibility on doing pretty much everything, and timing it all!"

Learn more about this project

Also on this link:
